Games Archive
A list of games and game archives available on the site
The games are list in order of modification - usually the game set most recently added.
Kanyamarala, T vs Mamedyarov, S
Kanyamarala, T vs McKay, R
G Annesley v Danny Roberts
R DBerry vs D Roberts
Donaldson, Thomas v Dishman, FM Stephen
- Round 1 British Championships 2022
Games from City of Belfast 2022
- All the games from City of Belfast 2022 - provided by Damien Lavery
Philip Short vs Colm Barry
- Short's last round win over Colm Barry in the 16th Mulcahy Memorial at UCC, Cork
Gary Kasparov vs Victor Korchnoi
- An exciting win in game 11 to decide the outcome of the match
Zoltan Ribli vs Vassily Smyslov
- Smyslov went on to win the semi-final and the opportunity to play Gary Kasparov
Williamson 2022 All Games
- Williamson 2022 All Games
M Kelly vs R Beckett
- A rare smothered-mate following a Rook and Queen sacrifice ends Beckett's 13-game run without defeat
G McCormick vs K Allen
- Count McCormick's crushing Kingside pawn moves!
M Kelly vs R Beckett
- A rare smothered-mate following a Rook and Queen sacrifice ends Beckett's 13-game run without defeat
Victor Korchnoi vs Gary Montgomery
- Gary says Karpov copied his plan later against Korchnoi in game 9 of the 1981 world championship
Gary Montgomery vs Derek Truesdale
A Harvey vs R Savage
- After an 'ard struggle, "Ross can weigh" his chances of victory and wins
H Beckett vs G Kelly
- How hard Howard hangs on, but Gerard's great gusto makes me feel "gerry-atric" in comparison
P Lambe vs J Rowney
- A pawn mate from the Williamson Shield, proving Lambe is outstanding in his field.
P Carton vs M Kelly
- A pretty Bishop sacrifice at the end which leads to the rare situation of mate by that most humble of pieces, the pawn.
W Sheridan vs K Greer
- Those of you who admire combinations will like today's game, especially its trappy ending and the threatened Bishop sacrifice in the not to move 20