Summer Tournament 2020
Summer Tournament 2020 - events and news - online competition
- Summer Tournament 2020 in lock-down
- Using the same rules as our usual Summer Tournament we will be running a Weds evening drop in tournament. With time limit of 1:30mins each. Read below for more details.
- Lockdown Summer Tournament: week1
- Week1 started with a small but enthusiastic team of chess players.Keen to get a slow game of chess. The format is the same as our usual Summer tournament but moved online.
- The Lockdown 2020 Summer Tournament :Week2 May 13, 2020 from 04:30 PM to 08:00 PM
- Using the same rules as our usual Summer Tournament we will be running a Weds evening drop in tournament. With time limit of 1:30mins each. Read below for more details.
- Lockdown Summer Tournament: week2
- The Summer drop-in tournament continued on weds 13th May - with a few more players joining the fun and some good chess played.
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- Lockdown Summer Tournament: week3
- The competition continues - with a few more players and some challenging chess games. Email me if you wish to join this drop-in competition.
- Lockdown Summer Tournament: weeks 4 - 6
- The Summer drop in tournament continues. With a couple of new players and plenty of good chess. Read on for results and current scores.
- Lockdown Summer Tournament: weeks 7 - 9
- The weekly Summer tournament continues with slow chess of 90mins each on lichess. We welcome new players - some fun and exciting endgames with time being a factor.
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- Lockdown Summer Tournament: weeks 10 - 11
- Another two weeks and some 10 games. We are almost half way through the tournament. Players are still welcome even if they wish just to play a couple of games to get into the practice of long focused chess.
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- Lockdown Summer Tournament: weeks 12 - 14
- How are the standings after 14 weeks of the Summer Tournament and some 70 games of slow chess.
- Lockdown Summer Tournament: weeks 15 - 18
- With 18 weeks played and into the last 3 weeks of the tournament - we are coming to the end. How do players stand.
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- Summer Tournament 2020 active tournament and award ceremony
- The last weds of Sept 30th 2020 - saw the Summer tournament active tournament and Zoom award ceremony. Andrew Todd wins the Summer tournament without a defeat. A winter tournament will start on monday Oct 19th.