Lisburn October Blitz (FIDE rated) and Bullet tournament
Event details
from 08:30 AM to 02:00 PM
Contact Name
Lisburn October Blitz and Bullet tournament - 12th October 2019
Level 2, Lisburn City Library, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
Check-in / pay entry fees: 10:30am-10:45am.
Round 1 - 11:00am to 11:20pm
Round 2 - 11:25pm to 11:45pm
Round 3 - 11:50pm to 12:10pm
Round 4 - 12:15pm to 12:35pm
Round 5 - 12:40pm to 1:00pm
Lunch break: 1:00pm to 1:45pm
Food and drinks provided by host chess club (Sandwiches, teas and coffees).
Round 6 - 1:45pm to 2:05pm
Round 7 - 2:10pm to 2:30pm
Prize-giving - 2:35pm to 2:45pm
BULLET TIMETABLE: (please note, several players will only play in blitz)
6 rounds - 2:50pm to 3:50pm
Players are permitted to take a half point travelling bye for round 1 and round 6 of the blitz. Any players unable to compete in round 7 will be scored zero (to avoid affecting those playing for a medals in round 7). If you need a travelling bye, please inform Arbiter at point of registering.
Senior (over 1500)
Intermediate (1000-1500)
Junior (Under 1000)
Please note we may adjust the rating levels of each section, dependent on entries. We may also combine Intermediate and Junior sections if needed to balance the numbers.
One open section for Bullet.
10 minutes per player for blitz. No increments. Each round will last 20 minutes.
1 minute per player for bullet. No increments. Each round will last 2 minutes.
£5 entry fee for the whole day (includes free sandwiches and tea/coffee)
Because the blitz is a UCU rated tournament, if you wish to play in the tournament, you must be a member of either Lisburn Chess Club, the Ulster Chess Union or the Irish Chess Union.
The only exception to this rule is for visiting players from other countries who do not need to pay membership to play.
9 medals will be awarded for:
2nd Place
3rd Place
Intermediate Champion
Intermediate 2nd Place
Intermediate 3rd Place
Junior Champion
Junior 2nd Place
Junior 3rd Place
BREAKS: For tie-breaks, players will be ranked based on their scores by Median Buchholz, followed if necessary by Buchholz and then Progressive Scores.
RULES: FIDE rules will apply. Touchmove will apply. For blitz, the second illegal move will result in the immediate loss of the game, however, your opponent must announce when the first illegal move has been played and then once again announce the second illegal move has been played before claiming the win, provided the player still has mating material left on the board, otherwise only a draw can be claimed. If play continues, the opponent may not claim the win retrospectively.
In blitz, if your opponent makes an illegal move, you are entitled to claim an extra 1 minute on the clock. In such cases, immediately pause the clock and call over the arbiter.
In bullet, if your opponent makes an illegal move, you are entitled to claim the win. In such cases, immediately pause the clock and call over the arbiter.
Remember FIDE rules about mobile phones is very strict. If your phone makes a noise during the game (be it a text, phone call or any other audio distractation), you will automactially lose the game therefore always remember to have your phone switched off. If you are a doctor on call, please notify Arbiter in advance.
To register please email UCU Tournament Director B. Jamison at
Registration deadline: 12 noon on Tuesday 8th October 2019. Late entries will not be accepted.