Monster Double Simul Match: Pavlov v Jamison
Event details
from 05:45 PM to 09:00 PM
Contact Name
PRICE: £5 per player
PARTICIPANT PRIZES: Gold medals will be awarded to all players who win their games. Silver medals will be awarded to all players who draw their games.
TROPHY: The result of each game will be recorded on a large score-sheet and a small trophy will be awarded to the simul winner with the most points at the end of the night (1 point for a win, half a point for a draw).
SNACKS: All particpants can help themselves to free soft drinks, crisps and biscuits.
AIM: To help raise funds to bring 3 children to Russia (18-25 August 2017) to compete in a 10 player chess match of Saint Petersburg v Belfast.
FORMAT: 20 players in total. All participants will record their games. All players will be divided into two groups of equal playing strength. Group A will play a simul against Brendan Jamison. Directly opposite, Group B will play a simul against Mikhail Pavlov.
DATE: Friday 24 February 2017 (a league-free week)
START TIME: 7:00pm. Please arrive by 6:45pm at latest.
REGISTRATION: Please email Brendan Jamison at his work email: by noon on Wednesday 22 February 2017.
LOCATION: Ground floor conference room, Good Shepherd Centre, 511 Ormeau Rd, Belfast BT7 3GS.
CAR PARKING: Ample free spaces are available in the church car park which players will drive through to get to the building.