2014 AGM and League Awards
Event details
from 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
7:30pm Start
secretary@ulsterchess.org by 27th May 2014.
1. Previous Minutes
a) Review, amend and accept minutes of previous AGM
b) Matters arising
2. President’s Annual Review
3. League Prize Ceremony
a) League Division winners
Div 1: Silver King
Div 2: John Strawbridge Cup
b) League Board Prizes: both parts of the League competition were used to determine prize winners
Div 1
Bd 1:
Bd 2:
Bd 3:
Bd 4:
Bd 5:
Div 2
Bd 1:
Bd 2:
Bd 3:
Bd 4:
Bd 5:
c) Tom Clarke Grand Prix Trophy:
4. Financial Report - Hon. Treasurer
5. Administrators Reports
6. Proposed Resolutions
7. Nominations and Appointment of Administrators
8. Election of Board Members
Under the constitution, the Executive Board must be composed of at least 5 members including
the officers.
UCU Board Nominations
9. AOB